Foot massage

It’s All About Your Feet!

Foot massageWhen you think about the most complicated systems and organs in your body, do you give much thought to those hard-working structures on the end of your legs? We always think about the heart, the lungs, the kidneys etc, and yes, these are pretty complicated in their own right, giving us life and health, but as far as limbs are concerned, the feet are certainly complicated with a capital C.

Feet are difficult to explain in their entirety, and made up of countless bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, all working together to help you move freely and without problems. Sometimes, when there is an issue with how you walk, the shoes you’re wearing, or over-activity, pain can creep in, and this doesn’t always only affect the feet, as it can radiate to the lower back, hips, knees, ankles, and shins.

For such small in size structures, feet sure do pack a punch!

Due to the kind of shoes in fashion at the moment and over recent years, it’s no surprise that women are more likely to suffer from foot problems, and it’s generally down to those pesky high heels and pointed shoes that are usually so sought after. Despite this, anyone can suffer from foot problems, at any time in their life, and it’s important to get early diagnosis and treatment, to stop the problem from becoming troublesome in the future.

A common problem is an arch issue, or problems with the heel, and these are all indicators of incorrect foot function. The good news is, however, that treatment is simple and very effective.

How orthotics can help

Seeking help from a chiropractor can help set you on the road to pain free movement, but first a proper assessment needs to be carried out, to identify the real problem at hand. A high-tech scanning system will be used to assess how you walk, where you distribute weight and pressure, and to help identify any injuries that are pre-existing with your foot’s structure. Once this information is available, treatment can begin, tailor-made to your exact requirements.

One of the simplest ways to treat foot issues is personalised insoles. These can be swapped from shoe to shoe, and are best made by your chiropractor rather than from a shop, as these will be made personally for you and your foot shape and requirements, rather than a standardised insole. Taking pressure off the parts of your foot that don’t need it, rectifying issues, and giving comfort and support to your feet overall will help to correct improper foot function, which then means less pain, ease of movement, and a break from any problem which has bothered you so far.

If this sounds like an easy solution to your problem then call the practice now on 03 9857 4503 to arrange an appointment and discuss your particular needs. You don’t have to waste another second suffering from pain due to walking and movement, not when this is something that is so easily fixed.


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