Could Your Dentures be Causing Your TMJ Pain?

tmjMost denture wearers are aware of gum irritation that can occur with poorly fitting dentures, but many are not prepared for popping or grinding sounds in the jaw, pain in the jaw or neck, or headaches. If you wear dentures and have noticed any of these symptoms, there may be a connection. These are all symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and dentures that don’t fit optimally can cause dislocation of the jaw disc, which is a potential cause of TMJ disorders.

Causes and Symptoms of TMJ

Your lower jaw is connected to your skull by a pair of joints called the temporomandibular joints. These joints are complex structures made up of tendons, muscles, and bone that allow your jaw to move both horizontally and vertically. If these structures are injured, or if you have teeth that are missing or damaged, TMJ disorders can result. Depending on the nature of the disorder, symptoms can occur on either side, or on both sides. Symptoms can vary, but some of the most common include:

  • Popping or other sounds when opening the jaw
  • Difficulty or inability to move the jaw normally
  • Pain in the jaw, either with motion or at rest
  • Headaches or neck pain
  • Dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, or ringing

Because some of these symptoms are vague and can indicate any of a number of problems, and because some of them seem far removed from the jaw, TMJ can be difficult to diagnose. Also, some people with TMJ disorders may not experience any of these symptoms, or may experience any of a range of symptoms.

A frequent cause of TMJ disorders is a dislocation of the disc that cushions the joint. Dislocation of this disc can inhibit proper jaw motion, causing tension in the muscles surrounding the jaw. This tension can spread to surrounding muscles, such as those in the neck, and place pressure on nerves, leading to pain, numbness, tingling, and other problems.

TMJ and Your Dentures

The most common root cause of TMJ disorders is a bad bite. When your teeth fit together well, the muscles surrounding and controlling the jaw work together to allow your jaw a full range of motion. Damaged or missing teeth can cause misalignments in the jaw. When the jaw is not properly aligned, the muscles are not able to work together properly and can become tired, sore, and tense. Tension in these muscles can pull the jaw further out of alignment and can lead to further wear on the teeth. In some cases, this can even lead to further imbalances and misalignments which can increase the risk of falls.

So what does this have to do with your dentures? Gum irritation is one sign that your dentures don’t fit properly, but it’s only one sign. The best dentures are those that recreate an optimal bite. Unfortunately, conventional dentists typically rely on systems of bite measurement that are unable to create a bite that allows for optimal jaw movement. Other problems arise if dentures are not worn consistently, or if they are not relined and replaced as needed.

If you have experience jaw trouble or other symptoms of a TMJ disorder and you wear dentures, it may be time to have them checked for proper fit. It’s important not to wait, because a problem with your dentures will not resolve on its own. Westside Denture Centre will repair or reline your existing dentures, or build you a new set of dentures to help improve your bite. Please call on 07 3278 0580 now to arrange an appointment to find out how we can help ease your TMJ pain.

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